Sunday, December 12, 2010
Giveaway Day!

Edit: Woo! I'm in!
I submitted my request to be involved super, super, super late, so there is a good chance I will not be able to participate. But hopefully, the nice folks at sew, mama, sew will take pity on me. My house is a disaster, after all. I can't even walk into my craft room, and all my christmas baking will be taking place somewhere not at my home. *sob*
But soon that will all be over, and if I get to be involved, then I will be giving away.....

Two yards of whatever Anna Marie Horner is in stock at Sew Mama Sew (under $15 per yard, please). I will ship it to you direct from the store. This one is kinda luscious and makes me want to do something serious with it for the master bedroom, but you can pick another.
You want in? I want in, too. But if I get in, here will be the drill:
- Post a comment, get 1 one ticket
- Follow my blog, get 5 tickets
- Post something in your own blog, linking to my blog, get 10 tickets
After the closure date (December 17th), I'll put everyone's tickets into a virtual hat and randomly choose someone.
giveaway day
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 476 of 476 Newer› Newest»Wow - I would love to win this!
sandhya (dot) parkash (at) gmail (dot)(com)
Giveaways are so fun. Thanks for sponsoring one!
beautiful fabric, great giveaway!
please take a peek at my giveaway, if you get the chance...
love the woodcut sass blue and the forest hills citrus!
thanks for the giveaway- the.ant.hil(at)gmail(dot)com
I'm now a follower!
thanks for the chance to win- the.ant.hil(at)gmail(dot)com
So great, your give away! Thanks so much!
I'd love some of her fabric! Thanks for the great giveaway!
cmgedge at hotmail dot com
I love house renovation blogs! All the satisfaction of before/after without the dust, sweat, and tears! :)
Just posted about your giveaway:
Happy remodeling! the.ant.hil(at)gmail(dot)com
(I'm a new follower!)
Anna Marie Horner fabrics! Thanks for the chance to win. Happy Christmas. stephspitzer at gmail dot com her fabrics. What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance!
I am a follower
1. What a nice give away.
2. I am following your blog.
3. I have linked to your blog from mine.
I do love AMH! Thanks for the chance to win!
Wow - how fun! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a follower now!
AMH is definitely one of my fav designers so this giveaway is wonderful!! I just can't get enough of her stuff, and while I use most of my fabrics, hers are the ones that I hate to cut into - I just want to stroke them and look at them!
Thanks for the giveaway! Robyn (dot) Geddes (at) gmail (dot) com
Wonderful giveaway! Thanks so much!
Thanks for the chance!
libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com
GFC follower
libby dot bloom dot hunt at gmail dot com
Well, you made it onto the list. :) Thanks for the chance to win!
I love her fabric! :)
this is very generous of you and i would love to win. i do all my online shopping at their shop anyway. i also entered really late (later than you) so i don't think they took pity on me, but please go to my blog and participate in my giveaway too. there will so few participatns that you might actually win it hehehe
i dont know what is happening but i don't think my previous comment got through and your followers pannel is down so... :(
Oooh, great prize!
chancyf at gmail dot com
Very nice. Looks like you got in, now I want in as well!
Fun fabric giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.
Great giveaway, thanks!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Fabulous idea! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
I am a new follower!
I posted on my blog about your giveaway!
Thanks for a lovely giveaway! So many beautiful fabrics to choose from! :O
Also, I already follow your blog! It's been in my rss feed for a bit. (I'm in a fixer-upper so found your blog while trying to keep myself motivated when the shower broke...again.)
wohoo! What a cool giveaway! thanks for the chance and - good luck in your renovation!
Oh this is such a generous giveaway! :D Good luck with the construction work :D
I am having a giveaway too, so if you have time feel free to stop by!
I am a follower :D
Great giveaway, thanks for the chance!
I'm in!! What a generous giveaway!
I'm now following...I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!
Thanks for the amazing giveaway! :)
I love Anna Maria Hornwe fabrics . Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
What a nice giveaway! Thank you for sharing. And I am following your blog now.
Fun fabric! Keeping my fingers crossed!
What a neat prize. Thanks for a chance to win. :-) Happy holidays
I have just become a stalker...oppps I mean a follower :-)
thanks for the opportunity!
i love the AMH fabrics!
I adore AMH! thanks for sharing your blog and happy holidays!
I'm a follower :)
I'm new to your blog and I see I have lots of catching up to do. Looks interesting!
I'm following you now on GFC
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.
Woo for more fabric! :)
I follow your blog - I'm mid-reorganisation at home myself so you make me feel a little bit better because at least I'm not trying to *build* anything! Hope it goes well, and happy holidays!
I hope to get lucky.
Love Anna Maria Horner's fabric..Thx for the giveaway.
Awesome! Count me in!
I love that print!
Oooh exciting!
Thanks...renovating a house: fun, rewarding...but hard!
and, following!
Thanks for the chance :) And I am a follower :)
I love sew mama! I'd love to have a gift cert. for material! Thanks!
Hi! Lovely giveaway - thanks for the chance to be in the draw!
I'm about to go and follow your blog as well. Good luck with the renovations, and have a great Christmas!
(I feel your pain at the craft room situation - mine is about to be renovated as well and I won't have access to anywhere to sew for 3-4 weeks. Argh!)
Great giveaway!
Thanks for the generous giveaway.
Hello! Thanks for the chance to win some fun fabric. I follow your blog. :)
kennedycraft (at) aol (dot) com
Thanks for your generosity!
I've subsribed to your RSS feed!
I would love to win this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
gosh!!! crossing fingers!
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