Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Current Kitchen: Mini Remodel

A friend asked me to post pictures of the existing kitchen, for comparison purposes. Actually, painting the original kitchen was the first thing I did when we bought the house, prior to moving in. While we were living in our old house (Umple Corner), I spent hours watching TV remodeling shows and photoshop-remodeling pictures of my new house and what it would look like. The reality never works out to be quite the same, but here are some pictures of what we bought, what I dreamed up and what we have now.

My, uh, design sense or whatever you call it took a "red and white accessories are AWESOME" detour after I got the kitchen painted. Also, the reality of "painting something white" is not at all how shiny it looks after photoshopping. I have gotten over it, however.

In new kitchen news, I have an appointment tomorrow night to finalize the layout and cabinetry, and I am going to take a look at some countertops, as well. Now to live with what I've got for another few months.


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